Shant Shekherdimian MD, MPH - Licensed Member

Shant Shekherdimian

Specialty: General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery

Board Certified: Pediatric Surgery, General Surgery

Box 709818 10833 LeConte Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Phone Number: 310-206-2429

625 South Fair Oaks
Pasadena, CA 90211

Phone Number: 90211

Shant Shekherdimian, MD, MPH, a native of Los Angeles, is a board-certified pediatric surgeon. Dr. Shekherdimian is also active in helping to shape public policy as a means to improve healthcare delivery around the world. He received his medical degree from Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in addition to a Masters in Public Health with an emphasis on global health from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr. Shekherdimian completed a residency in general surgery at UCLA and a fellowship in pediatric surgery at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. He is currently an Associate Professor of Surgery at UCLA. Dr. Shekherdimian’s clinical expertise includes acute care and neonatal surgery. Since 2021, he has also served as Senior Advisor to the Ministry of Health in Armenia, and has led task forces to improve primary care and quality on a national level. Dr. Shekherdimian is the recipient of a US Fulbright Scholar Award, which enabled him to teach at the Yerevan State Medical University, as well as conduct research on the feasibility of cancer screening in Armenia. Dr. Shekherdimian has mentored more than 30 medical students and residents who have conducted various healthcare-related research projects in Armenia, ranging from cardiovascular risk factor modification to quality improvement in hospitals (published in JAMA Surgery) to a comprehensive health survey in Artsakh (published in BMJ).