Rural Clinics

The Armenian American Medical Society has established medical clinics in rural areas of the Armenia—thanks in large part to the efforts of Dr. Armen Cherik—providing residents with the vital medical services they lacked. Beginning in 2005, clinics were established in three villages bordering the war-torn region of Karabagh and Azerbaijan: Aregouni, Pokr Mazrik, and Tsapatag. […]


Pediatric Epilepsy Project

In January of 2003, through the efforts of Dr. Armen Cherik and Dr. Mark Nazarian, the AAMS established a pediatric epilepsy program in Armenia. Since its inception, the pediatric epilepsy clinic in Yerevan has hired a full-time pediatric neurologist and nurse, and the AAMS has shipped equipment, books and anti-seizure medications to Armenia. Today, hundreds […]