Women’s Clinic


The AAMS has a long history of robust and vigorous interest in women’s health with four past presidents specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology/Reproductive Medicine. Over the past several years, the AAMS has been collaborating with the Armenian Society for Reproductive Medicine and Aragil Foundation in Armenia in order to improve the state of Reproductive Health services in Armenia by conducting training workshops for physicians in Armenia and Artsakh.  

In 2011, the AAMS acquired and subsequently donated $120,000 worth of equipment to help establish in vitro fertilization and fertility centers in Yerevan and Stepanakert.

 In 2012, the Armenian Canadian Medical Association of Ontario (ACMAO), in cooperation with AAMS and with Dr. Vicken Sepilian’s efforts, transferred the operations of the Women’s Health Clinic (WHC) in Stepanakert to AAMS.

From January 2013-2016, the AAMS provided salary support and supplies for the WHC, as well as directorship for the clinic which was rotated among an AAMS steering committee and ACMAO members. The clinic includes fertility services, distant learning capabilities, and a tele-consultation program. 
AAMS has been very satisfied with this collaborative project, having truly had a meaningful impact on women’s health in Artsakh. The AAMS’ involvement has synergized and streamlined efforts to improve women’s health in Artsakh and Armenian as a whole.