Joining the AAMS provides you with a host of benefits. You will have the opportunity to increase your referral base, as you connect with more than 600 members covering the entire spectrum of allied healthcare. As a member, you will receive a free listing on the AAMS website and our mobile app, allowing colleagues and patients to easily access your profile. This is especially helpful in growing your practice, as the AAMS is a vital resource for Armenian patients seeking Armenian health practitioners. In addition, you will receive valuable professional development through CME courses offered by the AAMS. Most importantly, your membership in the AAMS enables you to make a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of the Armenian community, both locally and abroad.

Membership is intended for healthcare professionals of Armenian descent, or with special interest in Armenian Affairs who fulfill the requirements of the Bylaws of the Society;

A candidate for membership shall be a healthcare professional licensed in the state in which they reside and hold a master’s degree equivalent or higher. Nurses with an RN designation or higher shall be considered part of this group.

The membership term spans the entire current calendar year, beginning January 1 and concluding December 31. We do not currently offer a prorated membership option.

Upon submitting your application, you may select the convenient membership autorenewal feature.

Join as

Must be licensed in good standing in an eligible healthcare profession and must practice in the United States, and must be a permanent resident of United States. Licensed Members are active members, paying membership dues and enjoying all the privileges of membership. Licensed Members must hold an Associate Membership for their first year.


Join as

Healthcare professionals, who reside and practice outside the United States but otherwise fulfill the requirements of the AAMS, can become Corresponding Members. Unlicensed Armenian healthcare professionals may also register as corresponding members. Corresponding Members must pay dues and may participate in the General Assembly, but cannot vote or hold office.


Join as

Healthcare students, residents, and fellows are eligible to become Associate Members. They can participate in the General Assembly but cannot vote or hold office. Associate members do not pay membership dues. Associate members will need to pay for CME events.