AAMS 2022 Armenian Scholarship Recipients

The Armenian American Medical Society (AAMS) created a scholarship for eligible medical students in Armenia. To qualify, applicants must demonstrate academic excellence and financial need and be in a paid system of study. Students awarded a scholarship receive full tuition to cover their medical education. Prospective recipients also undergo several rounds of interviews before selection.

For the first year of these scholarships, the AAMS worked in conjunction with the Armenian Educational Foundation to award scholarships to soldiers wounded during the 44-day war, who are currently enrolled in medical, dental, and pharmacy schools in Armenia.

The AAMS contributed nearly $16,000 to sponsor nine students. AAMS members personally sponsored another 16 students.

This scholarship program will continue alongside the long-standing scholarship program for U.S.-based students.

Volodya Avagyan | Yerevan State Medical University | Medicine, 1st Course

Volodya Avagyan was born in Ashtarak, Aragatsotn Province. He is a first-year student studying at Yerevan State Medical University, majoring in general medicine. After six months of study, Volodya was drafted into the army, serving in the "Eghnikner" military unit in the Artsakh Republic and fighting in the 44-Day War․ He wrote of his experience, "The 44-day war changed a lot in my life. I began to understand what real peace is. The loss of friends and my homeland to war is the most terrible thing that happened in my life."  His goal is to become one of the best doctors and help people. During the recent September invasion by Azerbaijan, Volodya and his friends collected essential supplies and sent them to the border to support the soldiers fighting for our homeland.

Sponsored by: Dr. Jenia Jasmine Tahmasian in Memory of Gharnik Tahmasian

Revik Tshavrshyan | Yerevan State Medical University| Pharmacy, 1st Course

Revik Tshavrshyan was born and raised in Panic village, Shirak Province. He is a first-year student in the pharmacy department of Yerevan State Medical University. Following admission to the university, Revik was drafted into the Army. He served in the Artsakh Defense Army at the beginning of the 44-day War. Until then, his knowledge of war came from his grandfather's stories and the books he read. Revik's experience gave him a deeper appreciation of life and the people around him. In addition to pharmacy school, Revik spends time volunteering in several areas. He often helps the elderly living in his neighborhood, some of whom live alone and need assistance. Revik aims to become one of the best and most respected pharmacists in Armenia. He is on the way to fulfilling his dreams.

Sponsored by: Dr. Jenia Jasmine Tahmasian in Memory of Gharnik Tahmasian

Gevork Melkonyan | Shirak State University | Pharmacy, 2nd Course

Gevorg Melkonyan lives in Gyumri, Shirak Province. He is a student at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Shirak State University, maintaining excellent grades. Gevorg was badly wounded while fighting in the 44-day war. He received injuries to his head, lower back, and left leg as a result of enemy artillery shelling. He likes to help people in need, and at the war’s end, he enrolled as a volunteer in the Shirak regional branch of the Armenian Red Cross Society. Gevorg received a Letter of Gratitude for his active participation in the "Improvement of Resistance of Local Communities Towards Health Problems in the Emergency States in the Southern Caucasus" program. He aims to become an excellent pharmacist and use his skills to help those who are underserved.

Sponsored by: Dr. Jenia Jasmine Tahmasian in Memory of Gharnik Tahmasian

Artur Aleksanyan | Yerevan State Medical University | Plastic Surgery, Residency 2

Artur was born in Yerevan, in 1991. He served in the 44-day War as a military doctor and chief of service. During persistent battles in Karmir Shuka, he was hospitalized for a multi-fragmented open fracture of the right lower leg he received from an artillery strike. The injury left him with a third-degree disability. Artur’s brother also served during the 44-day War. In addition to medicine, Artur is interested in information technology. He is currently enrolled in a series of projects at PicsArt Academy. Artur wants to combine his knowledge of medicine and technology to develop medical software to assist medical professionals. He aims to create a project to enable doctors to make quick and accurate disease diagnoses.

Sponsored by: Armenian American Medical Society

Feliks Sahakyan Yerevan | State Medical University | Medicine, 4th Course

Feliks was born in Ttujur village in Gegharkunik Province. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a professional soccer player and participated in judo. Feliks was drafted into the army in 2020 and served in the Vorotan city of Artsakh. During the 44-day War, he received an injury from an explosion, resulting in multiple injuries to his waist and arm. For Feliks, his time as a soldier is filled with memories. The extent of his injuries has curtailed his participation in sports. He truly believes, though, that when he completes his treatment, he can fully return to an active lifestyle. Feliks’ goal is to become an expert doctor. He wants to become someone worthy of his family and, most importantly, of the motherland. Feliks currently volunteers at a hospital near the border town of Chambarak, assisting doctors in the treatment and care of patients.

Sponsored by: Armenian American Medical Society

Vahe Sargsyan | Yerevan State Medical University | Dentistry, 2nd Course

Vahe was born in Abovyan. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a professional football player and even took football lessons for three years. In 2020, Vahe was drafted into the army, serving in Hadrut as a machine gunner. During the 44-day War, he was hospitalized for multiple shrapnel injuries to his entire body. After receiving complex inpatient treatment, Vahe returned to the battlefield after about 20 days. This time he was stationed in the Montei Hills in the Martuni region. On October 30, after two days of fierce battles, he was seriously injured by the explosion of an unmanned aerial vehicle. He was diagnosed with a severe contusion, a bruised hemothorax of the lower part of the left lung, fractured ribs, and a fracture of the 7th/8th thoracic vertebrae. Tragedy struck Vahe a year ago when his father died of a heart attack. Despite all the difficulties and challenges Vahe has faced, he is full of life and continues to confidently pursue his dream of becoming an excellent dentist.

Sponsored by: Armenian American Medical Society

Alik Ikhtiaryan | Yerevan State Medical University | Medicine, 2nd Course

Alik was born in the city of Vaik, Vayots Dzor Province. He studies at the Faculty of Medical Affairs of the Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi. Alik is an accomplished athlete, participating in regional and national Olympiads. He served in the 44-day War with an artillery unit. Alik wrote about his experience. "Fighting against death, I lived, preserving the true image of an Armenian soldier. Lots of my friends were dying right before my eyes. Eternal glory to our heroes. On the battlefield, I made sure of my decision to become a doctor." Alik’s brother is serving in the armed forces of Armenia and is a participant in the war unleashed on September 13, 2022.

Sponsored by: Grigor Gevorgyan Foundation (Thank you to Mr. Tigran Gevorgyan and his circle of friends for being instrumental in delivering equipment, and medical supplies, storing them in their warehouse, and shipping them to Armenia during the 44-day War and the COVID crisis)

Arman Hakobyan | Yerevan State Medical University | Gastroenterology, Residency 1

Arman was born in Sardarashen village, in the Askeran region of the Republic of Artsakh. He is serving his first year of residency in gastroenterology at Yerevan State Medical University. Arman fought in the city of Shushi of the Republic of Artsakh during the 44-day War. He is married and has a two-year-old daughter. His wife is in the first year of a family dentistry residency at Yerevan State Medical University. 

Sponsored by: Mr. Akop and Dr. Armine Baltayan in Memory of Gevork Baltayan

Hrayr Kirakosyan| Yerevan State Medical University | Dentistry, 3rd Course

Hrayr is 22 years old and was born in Yerevan. He is studying in his third year of dentistry at Yerevan State Medical University. His goal is to become a maxillofacial surgeon. After university hours, he works as a dental technician-modeler. Hrayr’s family consists of his mother, father, and younger sister. Hrayr served in the 44-day War and was seriously burned. He is currently in the rehabilitation phase.

Sponsored by: Mr. Akop and Dr. Armine Baltayan in Memory of Gevork Baltayan

Gevorg Karapetyan | Yerevan State Medical University | Medicine, 2nd Course

Gevorg is a second-year student at Yerevan State Medical University's Faculty of General Medicine. He lives with his parents, sister, and grandparents and likes to repair cell phones in his spare time. Gevorg served in the 44-day war. He was injured in battle when a cannonball exploded, throwing his body on a hill and resulting in a spinal injury. His goal is to become a heart surgeon.

Sponsored by: Dr. Vachik and Alenoosh Shahnazarian

Armen Yeganyan | Yerevan State Medical University | Medicine, 2nd Course

Armen was born in Varagavan village, Tavush Province, in 2000. He is a second-year student at Yerevan State Medical University and plans to become a cardiovascular surgeon. His family consists of his father, mother, and brother. Armen participated in the 44-day war and received multiple injuries, from the right waist to the head. During the war unleashed against Armenia on September 13, he was in the Martuni Medical Center to perform first aid and care for wounded servicemen.

Sponsored by: Drs. Kevin and Arev Galstyan in Honor of Gayane Musayelyan, PhD, Soviet and Armenian scientist, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, PhD.

Zhora Aghajanyan | Yerevan State Medical University | Medicine, 2nd Course

Armen was born in Varagavan village, Tavush Province, in 2000. He is a second-year student at Yerevan State Medical University and plans to become a cardiovascular surgeon. His family consists of his father, mother, and brother. Armen participated in the 44-day war and received multiple injuries, from the right waist to the head. During the war unleashed against Armenia on September 13, he was in the Martuni Medical Center to perform first aid and care for wounded servicemen.

Sponsored by: Dr. & Mrs. Vicken & Marina Sepilian in Memory of Joseph Sepilian

Davit Martirosyan | National Institute of Health Dentistry | 1st Course Residency

Davit was born in Masis town in Ararat Province in 1998. He has always dreamt of becoming a doctor since he was a child. During his study, Davit participated in various conferences and workshops. But the most important for him is the workshop organized by a maxillofacial surgeon from Moscow, a doctor of Medical Sciences and professor, on the topic of “Differential diagnosis of orofacial pain,” and he received a certificate. Davit is a participant in the 44-Day War. During the War, he witnessed unimaginable suffering. However, the most impressive thing for Davit was that thousands of UAVs bombarded the area, and his friends managed to get out of a tank just before it was hit by one of the UAVs. After all the things he saw during the War, he decided to become a good doctor and help our country. Along with studies, Davit is a volunteer at the regional Red Cross office of Ararat Province.

Sponsored by: Drs. Michael & Taline Aznavour

Armen Gabrielyan | Yerevan State Medical University | Dentistry, 3rd Course

Armen is 22 years old and was born in Abovyan city, Kotayk Province. He is a future dentist and has loved the profession since childhood. In addition, Armen likes sports, especially volleyball. He has many goals. The most important of them is to become a good specialist, for which he spares no effort. Armen wants to develop dentistry in his city and equip it with new technologies. He believes that after ten years, he will have his own dental clinic. Armen also participated in the 44-Day War in Artsakh and remembers the heroic acts of his comrades with admiration.

Sponsored by: Drs. Michael & Taline Aznavour